How Audio-Visual Solutions Can Benefit K-12 Education

Audio-Visual Aids Enhance the K-12 Learning Experience

Our students were born into an era in which the internet and smartphones are necessities. Audio-visual learning devices have also come a long way from filmstrips and DVDs. Today, instructors give audio-visual assignments, and audio-visual proficiency has become an essential learning objective. How can instructors and students both benefit from employing contemporary multimedia and audio-visual aids in their curriculum?

Students Know the Technology

If you ask a student today who they look up to, they will probably tell you about their favorite YouTube influencer or podcaster. Nowadays, anyone can create a video or audio podcast in less than an hour. Perceptive instructors are including options for students to create multimedia presentations. They often find that they have to spend relatively little time explaining how to use this software as their students have already been using it outside of the classroom. This familiarity allows for more innovative assignments that appeal to multiple student learning styles.

Digital Literacy Is a Workplace Must

Employers increasingly desire a digital-savvy workforce. Using blogging tools encourages students to develop their rhetorical skills in different genres of composition, for example. Likewise, document design is no longer considered the sole province of professional typesetters, but today it’s a skill that every office worker is expected to possess. Using desktop publishing software will give your students an advantage when leaving school. Projectors allow each student to share their documents with the rest of the class, with perfect visibility.

It Creates an Alluring Learning Environment

Multimedia can offer the students the tools they need to succeed, but audio-visual aids can also enhance the instructor’s curriculum by immersing the student in a subject. Instead of a video projected on the overhead, interactive projectors enable students and teachers to collaborate in real-time. High-end projectors guarantee a vivid picture. High-quality audio can also make a lecture or recorded material come to life, ensuring that the students will be engaged and better remember the material.

Multimedia learning tools have become an essential part of the instructor’s toolkit. Contemporary audio-visual aids such as projectors and touch-screen overlays permit students to create and collaborate in exciting new ways. MicroK12, a partner with Intel, Microsoft, HP Inc., and others, can assist you in creating a productive learning environment.


